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Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Letter - October 26, 2012

A few weeks ago I wrote about the relief that many were feeling with the return to routine and five day school weeks that arrived with the end of the fall hagim. This transition has also arrived as we hit the more intensive period of the trimester for the middle school students and the quarter for the high school students. This intensive period comes about as courses have reached a point where teachers are ready to begin assessing student learning. Naturally, this means that more tests and quizzes are beginning to appear on students’ plates as well as the introduction of long-term projects here and there.

Every student prepares for tests differently. Some need a quiet environment while others can study in environments with more noise or even music playing in the background. The key to successful studying is having a strategy for approaching the material.

The other critical strategy is time management. For our 9th graders, our Peer Connectors recently presented on just this topic to help our freshmen juggle the demands of a dual curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and other obligations. In the middle school, we have begun a Study Skills course in the 6th grade which will include test taking skills and time management as part of the topics covered.

For those students who might need a quick crash course in time management, we encourage them to stop by Senora Cahn’s office or to stick their heads in the Resource Room for some quick advice and guidance.

Shabbat Shalom!


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